About us

Last updated: August 06th, 2023

Gary Miller

Hey there and welcome to my website! My name is Gary (follow me) and I'm the founder of this site. I absolutely love artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP). The possibilities that AI offers inspire me every day to search for new services and technologies.

So, why did I create this site? The answer is simple - I wanted to share my findings with fellow enthusiasts like myself. My goal is to make searching for AI services as easy as possible.

I understand that this is a small project, without a large team, but that's what makes it so flexible. My aim is to make searching for services simpler and more efficient. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to email me. Together, we can make this site even better!

Why do we need Deferas if we have Google?

I totally understand your question about why someone would need a website-catalog AI service when Google already exists. However, searching for AI services on Google can sometimes lead to an overwhelming number of results, making it tough to find the right information or to distinguish trustworthy services from less reliable ones.

While many services claim to be effective and unique, their actual results may not live up to expectations.

It's also important to note that some services may require access to personal data to properly process and improve performance, which can understandably raise concerns about data privacy.

Additionally, some services may require payment, so having the ability to quickly filter through options can be very useful.

My task is to resolve these issues.