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What is SyntheticAIdata?

SyntheticAIdata is a powerful synthetic data generation tool that helps developers create large datasets for vision AI model training. It offers an easy-to-use web based dashboard to upload 3D models and generate realistic synthetic datasets with different lighting options. This allows developers to reduce the risk of human error, save costs and accelerate their vision AI model training. SyntheticAIdata also integrates with different cloud-based services, making it easier to bring data into development environments.

object detection [5] image classification [4]

Best SyntheticAIdata Alternatives

Screenshot Roboflow

Roboflow is a no-code computer vision platform that makes it easy to build and deploy computer vision models.


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Screenshot Nyckel

Nyckel is a Machine Learning platform designed to make the process of training and integrating models into applications easier and faster.


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Screenshot Copernicai

Copernic360 is a generative AI platform that enables users to create 2+1D environments (panoramic + depth) from 360° images and video.


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Screenshot Researchinenglish

Researchinenglish is a research platform that explores different aspects of holistic face processing, AI language understanding, and object detection models on embedded hardware platforms.


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